Tag: Thomas Bullock

What is the New & Everlasting Covenant of Marriage?

New & Everlasting Covenant… of Marriage?

Explore the documentation behind the claim that marriage for eternity is a requirement for the celestial kingdom. What is the new and everlasting covenant? How has the new and everlasting covenant evolved in LDS church history, and was marriage part of that covenant initially? How did the saints break the covenant 12 years before it was revealed? At what point did eternal marriage become the focal point of the everlasting covenant and who was responsible for this “new” covenant?

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Who Killed Joseph Smith Q&A with Steve Sorensen & Justin Griffin

“Who Killed Joseph Smith?” Live Audience Q&A

Part 2 of the interview series with Justin Griffin & Steve Sorensen (directors of the documentary “Who Killed Joseph Smith?”) where we take questions from a live audience, discuss the particulars of the theories in the movie. We’ll also discuss personal lives of the directors, their beliefs about certain things, critiques to the movie’s theories and research, and more. Leave all of your questions in the comments section below, like the best questions and we’ll try to cover as many as possible.

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